XpressO MoCA
MoCA Cognition


Recrutement d'essais cliniques pour la maladie d'Alzheimer
Les essais sur la maladie d'Alzheimer répertoriés proviennent de clinicaltrials.gov
VY7523-102: Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Multiple Ascending Dose Study in Participants with Early Alzheimer's Disease
Testing the Effects of a Text Message Caregiver Support Intervention for Latinos
Study of LHP588 in Subjects with P. Gingivalis-Positive Alzheimer's Disease
A Double-blind Dual Study Assessing Safety and Efficacy of Buntanetap in Participants with Early AD
TREAD: Time Restricted Eating Intervention for Alzheimer's Disease
Draw-10: A Weekly Blood Draw Study to Understand the Biological Variability of Plasma pTau-217
Nature-based Virtual Reality Intervention for Depression in Alzheimer's Disease
Nicotinic Acid for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
A Study of Potential Disease Modifying Treatments in Individuals at Risk for or With a Type of Early Onset AD Caused by a Genetic Mutation
A Study of a Potential Disease Modifying Treatment in Individuals at Risk for or With a Type of Early Onset AD Caused by a Genetic Mutation
A Spanish-language Caregiver-Enabled Care Program
A Study of LY4006895 in Healthy Participants With Early Symptomatic Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
A Study of Remternetug (LY3372993) in Early Alzheimer's Disease (TRAILRUNNER-ALZ 3)
A Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of ITI-1284 in the Treatment of Agitation Associated With Alzheimer's Dementia
Phase 2b Efficacy and Safety Study of Fixed Dose Drugs Combination Type of Polypill
A Real-World Comparative Study of Donanemab (LY3002813) Plus Usual Care Versus Usual Care Alone in US Participants With Early Symptomatic Alzheimer's Disease
A Study of E2814 With Concurrent Lecanemab Treatment in Participants With Early Alzheimer's Disease
A Study to Evaluate KarXT as a Treatment for Psychosis Associated With Alzheimer's Disease (ADEPT-4)
A Study of Mevidalen (LY3154207) in Participants With Alzheimer's Disease
A First-In-Human Study of LY3954068 in Participants With Early Symptomatic Alzheimer's Disease
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